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radiation badge service

Radiation Badge Services

Dosimetry Badge Services Utilizing
the Latest in OSL Technology


The BeO OSL Dosimeter is optimal for medical practitioners and technologists including veterinarians, dentists, chiropractors, mammography, fluoroscopy, or any practice with potential exposure to photon.

radiation badge serviceradiation badge service


Complete reanalysis with depletion correction applied.


Resistant to environmental influences such as moisture and temperature. 


Optional dosimeter storage after analysis allows the badges to be re-read.

Tissue Equivalent

TheBeO OSL Badge is tissue equivalent with an optimized badge design to allow for most accurate dose reporting.

Flexible Wear

Suitable for multiple configurations such as whole body, fetal, or area monitoring.

Accurate reports with multiple means of delivery.

*If any reading exceeds NRC safety standards you will be notified immediately.

Light and easy-to-wear.

Dosimeter is a four-element dosimeter with a minimal reportable dose of 1 mrem (if needed).

We employ the use of a fully NVLAP accredited lab (lab code 200666-0).

Proven, reliable, precise, utilizing the latest OSL Technology.

New packaging includes a sealed unit resistant to heat and humidity for more accurate reporting.

Wear periods include monthly, quarterly and yearly.

Simplified billing with no hidden fees.

Fully re-readable.

Permanently bar-coded for user identification and tracking.

Timely delivery of dosimeters to your doorstep.

Dosimetry Badge Services Utilizing the Latest in OSL Technology

using the product

Medlink Imaging offers our customers a state-of -the-art LTD dosimetry radiation monitoring services.  With our proven OSL technology, our badges are not only reliable and precise, but fully re-readable (a feature only available with OSL badge technology).

Our LTD badges ensure the safety and well-being of those wearing them.  In addition, our dedication to providing outstanding customer support ensures that Medlink Imaging is on the forefront of this crucial industry.

Dosimeter FAQ

General Information

Our TLD is a four-element dosimeter with a minimal reportable dose of 1 mrem (.01 mSv) to 10 mrem (.10 mSv)

Energies Measured

Energies Measured: X-Ray, Beta, Gamma. Beta (76 keV—5 MeV). Photon (20 keV—6 MeV)

Reporting Periods

Reporting Periods: Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly

Minimum Reportable Dose (if required)

Wear periods from monthly to 1 year

Wear Periods

Wear periods from monthly to 1 year